Register Now for Our 98.6% Accurate Dyslexia Assessment

Get Dyslexia Testing for a Clear Path to Reading Success

If you’re like the many parents of children who struggle with reading, you’ve been on a long and winding road to figure out that your child needs to be tested for dyslexia.

You’ve researched the symptoms, talked with teachers, searched the Internet for answers, and arrived at one solution: getting a reputable assessment.

Getting your child tested for dyslexia may seem like yet another daunting task. However, Dyslexia 101 makes the process clear, easy, and convenient:

  • If you’re ready to address your child’s reading challenges, register for the Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment online.
  • For a one-time $99 fee, you get 98.6% accurate results that determine whether your child has dyslexia and to what extent.
  • Your child can take the test online, right alongside you. It takes about an hour to complete, and you get instant, easy-to-interpret results (a 0 to 100 scoring system, with a higher number describing the severity of your child’s dyslexia).

You’ll know more about your child’s needs in 14 different areas, which our team uses to create an instructional plan to help your child overcome their reading difficulties. Our program is not “dyslexia treatment” or “dyslexia therapy.” Dyslexia 101 provides scientifically validated assessment and instructional methods to help your child become a confident reader.

What to Know Before You Register for the Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment

You’ve come this far in your journey to help your child overcome dyslexia, so they can learn reading skills that will last for a lifetime.

Before you register for our Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment, review the facts about our dyslexia testing services, so you can feel the assurance you deserve when getting help your child:

  • Expertise: Our reading assessment and instruction are based on 30 years of experience in the science of literacy.
  • Reliability: The Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment has been administered to thousands of children to ensure the consistency of the results. Our test is reliable for children as young as four years of age.
  • Credentials: Dyslexia 101 was developed by chief scientist and researcher Dr. David P. Hurford, who holds a Ph.D. in developmental psychology and is the director of the Center for Research, Evaluation and Awareness of Dyslexia. He also serves as chair of the Department of Psychology and Counseling at Pittsburg State University.
  • Results you can leverage: Your test will let you know the severity of your child’s dyslexia, and the results are used to customize the Dyslexia 101 Reading Instruction Program when you enroll.

You no longer have to worry about being pulled in different directions by other dyslexia treatments and dyslexia therapies you’ve encountered online. What works for dyslexia is what works in any form of education: an assessment to determine a child’s needs, followed by instruction to help meet those needs. This is what we enthusiastically provide at Dyslexia 101.

How to Register for Dyslexia Testing

Registering for dyslexia testing from Dyslexia 101 is simple. Follow these steps, and you and your child will be closer than ever to receiving the relief and solution you want: evidence-based results and a way to overcome dyslexia.

  1. Visit the Dyslexia 101 registration page.
  2. Read and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking continue.
  3. Fill out the form fields to create a login.
  4. Login using the email and password you’ve provided.
  5. Add your child’s information to create a profile. (Note that you can address any concerns you have about your child, which will help inform our understanding of their needs).
  6. Your child’s profile will appear.
  7. Click the “Start the Assessment” button.
  8. Click the “Pay Now” button. We accept major credit cards through our secure system.
  9. You are now ready to begin the testing process.

Sit with your child as they take this test. Allow them to take their time without too much interference, so the results are as accurate as possible.

Benefit from Dyslexia 101 Today

Congratulations on setting your child on the path to reading progress. After a child takes our dyslexia test and begins Dyslexia 101 Reading Instruction sessions with one of our virtual instructors, you’ll notice the improvements you hope to see.

Your child doesn’t need dyslexia treatment or dyslexia therapy. They require effective, science-based reading instruction from those who have dedicated their professional lives to researching in this field and helping students conquer their reading challenges.

Register today for our assessment and contact us with any questions. We look forward to celebrating your child’s growth!

Dyslexia 101 e-book cover photo
Dyslexia 101 e-book cover photo

Download our e-book, Identifying the Signs of Dyslexia in Children