How to Find the Right Resources to Identify Dyslexia

A High-Quality Test for Dyslexia Is Easy-to-Use, Accurate, and Affordable

You may have noticed that your child’s experience seems to match the signs of dyslexia, but you haven’t taken action on dyslexia reading tools yet because you want a definitive answer from an expert.

That should be simple enough to find: all you need is a proven method to identify dyslexia. However, not all the available screening tools are useful or accessible for families.

When looking for a dyslexia test for kids, you should ask yourself the following questions to ensure you’re getting the best possible dyslexia testing:

  1. Is the screening tool readily available? Can I find and use this assessment on my schedule and my terms?
  2. Is it accurate? Is this a credible testing method to identify children with dyslexia?
  3. Is it affordable? Do the education experts behind this test believe that overcoming dyslexia is a right, not a luxury only a few can afford?
  4. Is it actionable? Are these test results directly transferable to instruction that is tailored to my child’s specific needs?

Unfortunately, not all tests to identify dyslexia meet these four criteria. We’ve evaluated three methods you may have considered for your child. We explain why they don’t always measure up, and why Dyslexia 101 offers the superior option for families.

Learn About Dyslexia Identification Methods that May Not Meet Your Expectations

The four “A”s listed above – available, accurate, affordable, and actionable – are the hallmarks of an outstanding assessment for dyslexia. These four characteristics ensure a parent and their child get the exact resources they need, but that’s not always the case with the common ways kids are tested for dyslexia.

Here are three dyslexia screening methods that don’t always work well for parents:

  1. Signs of Dyslexia” Lists or Quizzes Online: While many of us are used to using online checklists or free quizzes to self-diagnose, remember that not everything you read online is verified by research. Also remember that there’s not much you can do with this information after you get your results. Quizzes usually offer no clear guidance about how to apply this possibly misleading information to reading instruction that works. Although online checklists and free quizzes may be available and affordable, their accuracy and ability to inform reading instruction are questionable.

  2. High-Profile” Dyslexia Programs: There are several expensive and highly visible dyslexia products on the market today. Although we all hope that the main goal of educational resources is to help children thrive, some of these businesses put their financial interests first. Because of their national profile, some dyslexia programs charge exorbitant fees to worried parents.

    Many of these programs also require you to find a tutor in your area who is credentialed for their specific program. This leaves you footing the bill for transportation as well as tutoring. Testing, workbooks, and other branded resources are designed to create additional sales and get you to spend even more money.

    While “high-profile” dyslexia programs can be credible, you have to live in an area where a tutor is available. Even then, the expenses associated with “the business of dyslexia” make these programs too pricey for the average family, especially when more affordable, readily available, and highly accurate options exist.

  3. Depending on Your Child’s School: Many parents notice that their child is struggling with reading, and they put their trust entirely in the hands of their school. Teachers and school leaders do their best to ensure that all children learn to read, but it can be difficult to wait for your child to get individual interventions and instruction when you’re essentially competing with many other children who also have specialized needs.

In addition, your child’s school may not be fully equipped to screen for dyslexia. Many states have only included dyslexia training for teachers in the last few years, and that training is not always comprehensive. If you do find that your school is an excellent resource for dyslexia, it is still likely that they’ll recommend expensive individual tutoring outside of school to ensure your child gets regular one-on-one practice.

Dyslexia 101 Is Your Answer for Identifying Dyslexia

Dyslexia 101 provides a proven method to identify dyslexia and help your child learn to read. To identify dyslexia in your child, all you need to do is register for the Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment.

  • Our Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment is available online on your terms and is easy to use. You sit with your child in the comfort of your own home, while they take our assessment. The assessment takes 45 to 60 minutes. If you and your child need to pace yourselves, that’s completely fine; you can pause the test and pick back up where you left off.
  • Our dyslexia test for kids is accurate. It effectively identifies dyslexia in 98.6% of children as young as four years old. When the test is complete, you’ll receive comprehensive, easy-to-understand results that explain your child’s needs.
  • Our testing method is also affordable. While many programs charge tens of thousands of dollars for their screening and dyslexia reading tools, the Dyslexia 101 program levels the playing field for families.
  • Dyslexia 101 also ensures that your test results are actionable: they inform how our Dyslexia 101 virtual instructors develop reading instruction for your child. Your results can also be submitted as documentation for your school’s teachers, counselors, and special education team as they prepare your child’s 504 or IEP.

Teachers also can use our Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment in the classroom. We supply teachers with our assessment for free to ensure that all children have access to tools that are absolutely vital for their success. We also offer abbreviated versions of our assessment for use in schools to help teachers and interventionists complete the process of helping their students quickly, without losing any diagnostic effectiveness.

Dyslexia 101’s Reading Assessment Is the Gold Standard for Identifying Dyslexia

Dyslexia 101 is your best resource to get your child tested for dyslexia. When you register for our dyslexia test for kids, you get the assurance that the results we provide are a hopeful beginning for your child’s reading growth.

Your child’s test results essentially become a blueprint for how our instructors will work with your child during our 100% virtual instruction. Parents can look on as their children thrive with Dyslexia 101’s instructors, without the stress and burden that many dyslexia reading tools place on families.

We want your child to succeed, but not at the expense of a stressful tutoring schedule and hefty out-of-pocket costs. At Dyslexia 101, we’re more than just experts on dyslexia. We’re advocates for your family, and, most importantly, for your child’s academic welfare.

Help your child overcome dyslexia. Begin the Dyslexia 101’s Reading Assessment today. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns. We’re here to help, and we can’t wait to see your child thrive.

Dyslexia 101 e-book cover photo
Dyslexia 101 e-book cover photo

Download our e-book, Identifying the Signs of Dyslexia in Children