4 Reasons Why Home Instruction For Dyslexia Works

Comfort, Privacy, Flexibility, and Connection Top the List

Dyslexia 101’s signature approach to dyslexia instruction is based on decades of research. However, expertise in this important field is only a part of what makes our program successful.

When designing the Dyslexia 101 Reading Program, we considered the ways children learn best and took families’ needs into account. We analyzed what has made certain dyslexia therapies and dyslexia treatments unsuccessful and developed ideas that avoided those pitfalls.

We realize now that what makes our program work so well can be summarized with a simple concept: we let children learn from home. Home instruction offers many rewards for students who are struggling with reading. Our dyslexia testing and 100% virtual reading instruction program activates the benefits of learning from home, so children can get the results they deserve: overcoming dyslexia and learning to read.

Here are four reasons why home instruction leads to the reading outcomes that children and families desire.

You Can Customize Your Environment For Dyslexia Instruction

Children need an environment where they feel most comfortable. The home provides a place where the child and parent can select a quiet, welcoming space for learning without having to rely on someone else’s idea of what the learning environment should look like. Children often feel empowered when they choose what will make them comfortable for learning. This gives them ownership over the process, which may help them make an even deeper commitment to their reading.

Lessen Anxiety By Providing Privacy For Dyslexia Instruction

A child who receives any additional support outside the classroom may feel curious about why they require extra help. In some cases, children may be anxious about what dyslexia testing and reading instruction means for them.

They may have noticed that their peers are more natural readers in the classroom, and they may have felt that others judged them when they struggled to participate during a lesson in class.

Home provides an environment where a child can learn in privacy without being worried about how they appear, how they “sound” when they are reading, or any of the other forms of self-consciousness that those who struggle with learning often experience. The Dyslexia 101 Reading Program allows the child to learn on their own terms, at their own speed, and in their own way. This freedom helps children feel more confident, unlike dyslexia therapies and dyslexia treatments that are performed in small groups and public settings.

The Flexibility Of Home Works Better For Families

Many dyslexia tests and programs take place at times that are based on the program’s schedule, not your family’s. After-school programs can be inconvenient for parents who work. Programs in the evening disrupt dinner and nighttime routines. Programs on the weekend conflict with extracurricular activities and family time.

A family should be able to decide when their child receives help for the critical skill of reading. No family wants to feel even more stressed while they undertake this important decision. No child wants to feel that their learning is a burden on their family’s routine.

Parents Feel Connected to the Dyslexia 101 Reading Program

Many parents give their child space to interact and learn with one of our expert reading instructors on their own. However, they are typically an arm’s length away to listen in on their child’s progress and better understand the program.

We also provide monthly virtual parent-instructor conferences and unlimited email contact throughout the time children are enrolled, so parents like feeling completely connected to their child’s learning experience. Many dyslexia treatments and dyslexia therapies occur separately from the parent. Even when these other programs provide updates, you don’t get the same full picture that you get with Dyslexia 101.

Get Effective, Virtual Dyslexia Testing and Reading Instruction At Home

You don’t want to see your child spend another moment struggling with their reading. You want them to feel confident as a student, so they can take advantage of everything their education has to offer. Overcoming dyslexia is the first step on your child’s path to reading success, academic success, and even what opportunities are available to them as they move into adulthood.

When you choose our home-based, 100% virtual program, you’ll know that you’re doing everything you can to help your child succeed. Not only will your child receive instruction based on real expertise, but they’ll be able to reap the benefits of learning in the comfort of home, where they can feel completely supported and connected.

Begin the journey toward helping your child become a competent reader by registering for the Dyslexia 101 Reading Assessment. Our dyslexia test identifies the extent of your child’s reading needs. After you receive your results, your child will begin their virtual sessions with our instructors in the comfort of home.

Dyslexia 101 e-book cover photo
Dyslexia 101 e-book cover photo

Download our e-book, Identifying the Signs of Dyslexia in Children